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Case studies

One of the activities of NAOS was running three casestudies in three different countries which are not included in the NAOS network: The Open University in London, UK, Verikom in Hamburg and NEPC in Zagreb, Croatia (who run their study in Latvia) carried out a small research which took a different angle in analyzing professional capacity in schools by using pop culture as a mean.


Pop culture has been an accepted pedagogical tool in teaching of foreign languages for the last 40 years, more recently scholars encourage educators to utilize popular culture to promote learning that fosters values, social empowerment and social justice. In an inclusive classroom or to promote an inclusive classroom popular culture can serve the broad interests of the diverse classroom by encouraging students to expand their thinking about others, find alternative narratives in their own lives and enhance inter cultural awareness. Use of pop culture as classroom materials could help students and teachers in understanding each other better; moreover, the learning objective could be achieved more easily if starting from familiar songs, books, movies. Teachers cannot ignore the fact that students are much more influenced and interested in pop culture and that many find traditional education boring and irrelevant to their lives and needs. In order to teach values emotions must be engaged and such pedagogical approach ensures students interest and emotional engagement.